The Mirror of Life.

We have seen and heard many speakers and sometimes we try to model them. But are you learning the right skills from the right masters.

There are many great speakers in the world and as we listen to their speeches, we are impressed with the way they put their words across. We are persuaded, inspired and aspire to be like them.

Since the birth of radio many decades ago, we have been listening and learning thru hearing. Until today, some people still learning thru listening to the MP3, MP4, radio, CDs and etc. Hence, we build in our mind that language is the most important in any presentation. We need to perfect our language before we can use it. But is there perfection in this world?

The late Dr. Albert Mehrabian did a study to find out the differences and effectiveness of Verbal, Vocal and Visual in presentation and found out that the Visual (Body Language) take up 55% while Vocal 38% and Verbal has only 7%. It was a great surprise to everyone when announced to the public. But time after time, when a simple test has been done, the audience get to understand instantly how true the findings are.

But some people still thinks that language is the most important in presentation and because they focus so much on the language usage, they neglected the importance of vocal variety and body languages.

Therefore, when we attend any seminar, we can easily judge the speaker with their performance on stage, the kind of skills they possesses and how effective can they be. It mirror their life.

I always say that how you do anything is how you do everything. How you do anything on stage is how you do everything in your life.

If the speaker focus on the language so much, they are only focusing on the smallest part in the whole presentation. It is just like when a mosquito bite you and you kept scratching the small little part of your body that was bitten. There are plenty of things you can do and with other part of the body but you insisted on scratching the part that was bitten. Aren’t you wasting time and efforts on things that are minor in life and forgotten that there are plenty of things should have been done if you would have not concentrate on the wrong part at the wrong time?

The usage of vocal variety is not just about the ability to pronounce the words properly but it is all about creating excitement, feeling and authority at any moment of time during presentation. It is how you make the audience feel when you get that message across to them and winning their heart.

Many speakers aren’t able to trigger the emotion of the audience because they focus too much on the right usage of the language that they forgotten even to use the right word at the right time with the right vocal variety and the right body language during presentation.

If you focus only the small things, these small things will be the biggest thing in your life. If you focus of the bigger things, the bigger things will create the world in your life. Because I focus on the bigger things in life and they creates the world for me and I am invited to many parts of the world to share my experiences and knowledge. If one only focus on the smaller things, than they will only be invited among the smaller circle of certain group.

The mirror of life is powerful as it reflects you to life, your efforts to what you will achieve in life and your understand to what others can see you as a master in life.

So, if you are looking forward to become a greater speaker and a greater leader, learn from the right speakers and the right leaders. Change your image and adopt the right understanding and you will change your life. The reflection of your life will be changed so long as you change yourself now.

Decide Yourself

Your destiny is in your hands and you need to make the right decisions yourself.

Most of the time, decisions are made without us but we need to fulfil them.

At work, your superior tell you about your duties and responsibilities in the company. How you should do your job and what to submit to him/her first or as and when he/she wanted it. Sometimes, your superior would even decide what time you go home by giving you more work just when you are about to leave for home and tell you the time he needs them.

At home, your parents and siblings would expect you to help to clean up the house, cook the food, or even to wash the things. If you are married, you may have that experience with your spouse and children too. You are expected to be doing something all the time but most of the time you are doing for someone else.

With friends, family, and at work, everyone would want you to do something for them. They would direct you, persuade you or even inspire you to do all the things for them.

Are you living for yourself or for others?

An old man once told me many years ago when I was only 10 years old that his only regret was not to have time for himself, to do things he really wanted to do and achieve his own dreams. He elaborated by telling me that everyone wants a piece of you, your time, your efforts, and everything they can get you to do. You would only be doing things for others and carry out their tasks for them.

My friend, it’s not about them. It’s all about YOU!

Do you really plan for your future, your destiny and how you can leave a legacy for your family and descendants? Have your really plan what you want to achieve in this life?

Take charge of your life! You need to wake up and live your dreams.

Failing to plan is planning to fail.

Set a Goal for yourself and your family. Share with your family on your dreams and how you and your family can take part to achieve those dreams together as a team. Because Together Everyone Achieves More.

Organise your plans and goals so that you can achieve them step-by-step, one-by-one and enjoy the process as well as the happiness on the results of the individual goal achieved.

Take massive Action to achieve your goals and dreams. Because vision without action is only daydream and action without vision can be a nightmare. Therefore, once your goals are set, take massive action on them and results will follow.

Lastly, remember to Learn and keep learning. May it from mistakes we have done along the way or experiences from others which we can learn and enhance from. Learning can only make you better each day. It can also helps you to achieve your goals and dreams much faster.

In conclusion, decide your destiny and shape your life now. Set your Goals, Orgainse them, take massive Action and Learn as much as possible during the process. You owe your success to yourself and your family. Decide yourself your life, your destiny and your legacy today because there is always a tomorrow and it will never end.

Speaking from the Heart.

If you lie, you will need to lie till you die.

Being earnest and sincere in the sharing is the most important thing any speaker must have. It is most important because if it is from your heart, you will understand the feeling and will be able to relate and deliver with passion as well as making your audience feels with you.

The audience can feel your sincerity and your believe level in your delivery. Thru your presentation, the audience can detect if you are lying or speaking the truth.

We can learn from the experience of others but we need to understand and digest what we have learnt before we use any of the ideas and knowledge.

There was once a speaker who was invited to deliver a keynote address. He was too confident about himself and didn’t go thru the materials the company wanted him to touch on although he received them a month ago.

On the day of the presentation, the speaker rush thru the scripts while flying to present at the Dinner and Dance at night. As he was reading the script, he noticed that there were some of the statements which he don’t believe in and some not sure. There was no one to whom he can talk to and he needs to be at the venue for the presentation once he arrive at the airport.

There were lots of things in his mind by the time he reached the venue for his keynote address. The person in-charge of the script wasn’t there to welcome him and he had no one to discuss the script with.

Shortly on his arrival at the venue, he was escorted to the waiting area to get ready for his presentation. After the Master of Ceremony announced his name and invited him up to the lectern, he felt that he wasn’t ready to deliver what he don’t believe and can’t even open his mouth to say his first word. Staring at the audience, he felt totally lost and don’t know what to do.

Minutes later, he tried to deliver the speech but there was no passion and sense of believes in whatever he delivered. It was the worst scenario any speaker would want to be in. He failed due to over-confident and being too proud.

A great speaker must be able to talk his way out of any situation with his wisdom. Therefore, we need to be prepared at all times.

Read lots of magazines, books and newspapers. Understand what you have read and think of what you have read and connect what you have learnt with your own experience. Recall the lessons learnt and how to improve on them.

Even from movies, drama, radio, you will have lots to learn from. Keep learning but you need to understand what you learnt to be able to relate yourself with all the learning.

Once you learn, understand and relate yourself with the learning, you will be able to create your own views. If you don’t understand or believe on what you have read or heard, you will need to ask till you understand it.

It’s thru the understand and the ability to relate that gives you the abilities to present with the passion, sincerity, earnestness and with power.

Learn to speak from the heart to connect with the heart of your audience so that you can win the heart of your audience.